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Hindi-English > घंटे का काम

घंटे का काम in English

pronunciation: [ ghamte ka kam ]  sound:  
घंटे का काम sentence in Hindi
the work of an hour
घंटे    hours
का    presumably belonging to of by squander encode
काम    Eros errand Job libido deeds game turn things
1.Voluntary work does not count towards the 16 hours .
Vओलुन्टर्य् काम 16 घंटे का काम नही दर्शाता है .

2.Voluntary work does not count towards the 16 hours .
16 घंटे का काम Vओलुन्टर्य् काम नही हो सकता है .

3.Voluntary work does not count towards the 16 hours.
Voluntary काम 16 घंटे का काम नही दर्शाता है ।

4.Voluntary work does not count towards the 16 hours.
16 घंटे का काम Voluntary काम नही हो सकता है ।

What is the meaning of घंटे का काम in English and how to say ghamte ka kam in English? घंटे का काम English meaning, translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by Hindlish.com.