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Hindi-English > घटना घट जाने के बाद अक्ल आना

घटना घट जाने के बाद अक्ल आना in English

pronunciation: [ ghatana ghat jane ke bad akla ana ]  sound:  
be wise after the event
घटना    happening affair case phenomena matter of fact
घट    jug hydria
के    K beyond between disentitle except from OF
के बाद    onwards from...on after later beyond next to past
बाद    after later next then hereinafter
अक्ल    brainpower learning ability mental capacity wit
आना    a sixteenth of a rupee venir proceed uprise walk

What is the meaning of घटना घट जाने के बाद अक्ल आना in English and how to say ghatana ghat jane ke bad akla ana in English? घटना घट जाने के बाद अक्ल आना English meaning, translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by Hindlish.com.