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Hindi-English > झगड़ा कर के अलग होना

झगड़ा कर के अलग होना in English

pronunciation: [ jhagada kar ke alag hona ]  sound:  
bust up
bust up
झगड़ा    embroilment debate brabble variance disunity
कर    toll hand cess imposition dues keelage proboscis
के    K beyond between disentitle except from OF
अलग    away aside separately individually off aloof
अलग होना    seclusion secession dissociate part with detach
होना    entail include operation of law part clearing

What is the meaning of झगड़ा कर के अलग होना in English and how to say jhagada kar ke alag hona in English? झगड़ा कर के अलग होना English meaning, translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by Hindlish.com.