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Hindi-English > झट से देने को तैयार व्यक्ति

झट से देने को तैयार व्यक्ति in English

pronunciation: [ jhat se dene ko taiyar vyakti ]  sound:  
a soft touch
झट    at once quick speedily
से    through specially herewith past by afar affiliate
को    barring to to concerning unto pup on pupate
तैयार    ready about in store fain readymade grooming
व्यक्ति    bloke fish job party personage soul subject thing

What is the meaning of झट से देने को तैयार व्यक्ति in English and how to say jhat se dene ko taiyar vyakti in English? झट से देने को तैयार व्यक्ति English meaning, translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by Hindlish.com.