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Hindi-English > हँसते-हँसते लोट-पोट होना

हँसते-हँसते लोट-पोट होना in English

pronunciation: [ hamsate-hamsate lot-pot hona ]  sound:  
be rolling in the aisles
roll in the aisles
हँसते-हँसते लोट-पोट    rolling in the aisles
होना    entail include operation of law part clearing

What is the meaning of हँसते-हँसते लोट-पोट होना in English and how to say hamsate-hamsate lot-pot hona in English? हँसते-हँसते लोट-पोट होना English meaning, translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by Hindlish.com.