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a baptism of fire meaning in Hindi

a baptism of fire sentence in Hindi
प्रथम दुःखद अनुभव
a    एक कोई अ अंग्रेजी
baptism    दीक्षा
of    स् का की पर बाबत
fire    प्रदीप्ति आंच
1.Sometimes the only conversion possible is in a baptism of fire.

2.Playing in goal he received a baptism of fire against Sarsfields.

3.It was a baptism of fire-- and smoke.

4.Hurley was selected to mark Taylor and was set for a baptism of fire.

5."I hope it will not be a baptism of fire, " said Neyts.

6.The issue of trying to make the money work, man, that was a baptism of fire.

7."It's been a baptism of fire and heart-breaking at times,"

8."It's been a baptism of fire and heart-breaking at times,"

9.It was to be a baptism of fire for the rookies, as the home side recorded a 90 59 victory.

10.But in practice it is creating a baptism of fire for the euro and its overseer, the new European Central Bank.

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How to say a baptism of fire in Hindi and what is the meaning of a baptism of fire in Hindi? a baptism of fire Hindi meaning, translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by Hindlish.com.