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English-Hindi > a bit of crumpet

a bit of crumpet meaning in Hindi

a bit of crumpet sentence in Hindi
सुंदर औरत
सुन्दर महिला
आकर्षक महिला
a    एक कोई अ अंग्रेजी
a bit    थोड़ा सा थोड़ी देर
bit    थोड़ा समय कौर
of    स् का की पर बाबत
1.If she's English, she's a bit of crumpet.

2.:: : Spilled your tea while reading about someone trying to get a bit of crumpet?

How to say a bit of crumpet in Hindi and what is the meaning of a bit of crumpet in Hindi? a bit of crumpet Hindi meaning, translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by Hindlish.com.