The press of the time described 620's appearance as'a bit of fluff '.
Princess Margaret, standing by Townsend's side, attentively brushed a bit of fluff from his jacket.
It's a bit of fluff that, all the same, is a gentle commentary on human nature . ..
Something that you've written off as just a bit of fluff will turn out to be crucial to the story much later on.
Since the 1960s, ghost feather has been among a dusting of synonyms for " dust bunny, " a bit of fluff under furniture.
The story of a dowdy FBI agent who goes undercover as a contestant in a beauty pageant is a bit of fluff but an enjoyable one.
On the other hand, if the worst editorial ( as against community ) offense is adding a bit of fluff, it's hard to see what the excitement is about.
The weird thing is, when all is said and done, " Theory of Flight " seems like a bit of fluff, as if it were made for television and not the big screen.
How to say a bit of fluff in Hindi and what is the meaning of a bit of fluff in Hindi? a bit of fluff Hindi meaning, translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by