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English-Hindi > a bit of fluff

a bit of fluff meaning in Hindi

a bit of fluff sentence in Hindi
महिला मित्र
a    एक कोई अ अंग्रेजी
a bit    थोड़ा सा थोड़ी देर
bit    थोड़ा समय कौर
of    स् का की पर बाबत
fluff    रुई का रोआं सतही
1.The press of the time described 620's appearance as'a bit of fluff '.

2.Princess Margaret, standing by Townsend's side, attentively brushed a bit of fluff from his jacket.

3.It's a bit of fluff that, all the same, is a gentle commentary on human nature . ..

4.Something that you've written off as just a bit of fluff will turn out to be crucial to the story much later on.

5.Since the 1960s, ghost feather has been among a dusting of synonyms for " dust bunny, " a bit of fluff under furniture.

6.The story of a dowdy FBI agent who goes undercover as a contestant in a beauty pageant is a bit of fluff but an enjoyable one.

7.On the other hand, if the worst editorial ( as against community ) offense is adding a bit of fluff, it's hard to see what the excitement is about.

8.The weird thing is, when all is said and done, " Theory of Flight " seems like a bit of fluff, as if it were made for television and not the big screen.

How to say a bit of fluff in Hindi and what is the meaning of a bit of fluff in Hindi? a bit of fluff Hindi meaning, translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by Hindlish.com.