English-Hindi > after all
after all meaning in Hindi
sound : after all sentence in Hindi
after एक के बाद एक अनुरूपall तमाम सर्वस्व
Examples 1. I mean, after all, if you look at babies superficially, मेरा मतलब है कि, अगर आप बच्चों को ऊपर-ऊपर से देखें 2. After all , what he had always wanted was just that : to know new places . वह भी तो नई - नई जगहें ही देखना चाहता था ।3. But , after all , political freedom is not an end in itself . और सियासी आजादी अपने आप में कोई मकसद नहीं होती . 4. But , after all , political freedom is not an end in itself . और सियासी आजादी अपने आप में कोई मकसद नहीं होती . 5. Islam is , after all , a very simple , straightforward religion . इस्लाम एक अन्यंत सरल और सीधा-सादा धर्म है . 6. Islam is , after all , a very simple , straightforward religion . इस्लाम एक अन्यंत सरल और सीधा-सादा धर्म है . 7. But even after all this , the earth seemed empty and colourless without man . लेकिन मनुष्य के बिना सब कुछ नीरस लगा . 8. Because children deserve a good start. After all, they're our future. आख़िर , हम सब का भविष्य उनपर निर्भर है | 9. Because children deserve a good start. After all, they're our future. आख़िर , हम सब का भविष्य उनपर निर्भर है | 10. After all, one of the things that's hardest for all of us to do आखिरकार, हम सब के लिये सबसे कठिन कामों में से एक है
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Meaning emphasizes something to be considered; "after all, she is your boss, so invite her"; "he is, after all, our president" in spite of expectations; "came to the party after all"; "it didn''t rain after all" emphasizes something to be considered; "after all, she is your boss, so invite her"; "he is, after all, our president" in spite of expectations; "came to the party after all"; "it didn''t rain after all"
How to say after all in Hindi and what is the meaning of after all in Hindi? after all Hindi meaning, translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by Hindlish.com.