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aiding escape meaning in Hindi

aiding escape sentence in Hindi
1.Assistant Public Defender John Hetherington said he questions whether the escape and aiding escape charges will withstand legal challenges.

2.Resistance involved passive resistance, acts of minor sabotage, sheltering and aiding escaped slave workers, and publishing underground newspapers containing news from BBC Radio.

3.He fought the Fugitive Slave Law of the 1850s by making announcements during his sermons of fugitive slaves in the area and took collections on their behalf, as well as aiding escaped slaves along the Underground Railroad.

4.Resistance involved passive resistance, acts of minor sabotage, sheltering and aiding escaped slave workers, and publishing underground newspapers containing news from V sign campaign by daubing the letter " V " ( for Victory ) over German signs.

How to say aiding escape in Hindi and what is the meaning of aiding escape in Hindi? aiding escape Hindi meaning, translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by Hindlish.com.