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amerindian language sentence in Hindi

"amerindian language" meaning in Hindiamerindian language in a sentence
  • Today, Quechua and Aymara remain the most widespread Amerindian languages.
  • The government recognizes 62 indigenous Amerindian languages as national languages.
  • Two percent of the population speak only Amerindian languages.
  • A number of Amerindian languages are also spoken by a minority of the population.
  • In addition, several words in Chilean Spanish are borrowed from neighboring Amerindian languages.
  • The word Shikashika is onomatopeia from the Amerindian language Spanish is " raspadilla ."
  • Many Amerindian languages are spoken daily in indigenous communities, primarily in Northern Brazil.
  • Currently, four semesters of Quechua are offered to fulfill the Amerindian language requirement.
  • Approximately 23 additional Amerindian languages are spoken by more than 40 % of the population.
  • However, it is a common misconception that polysynthetic morphology is universal among Amerindian languages.
  • The study is meant as a contribution to the comparative and historical linguistics of the Amerindian languages.
  • Candidates for the graduate certificate must be proficient in Spanish, Portuguese, or an Amerindian language.
  • Most of today's English dictionaries derive the Spanish word from the Amerindian language of Haiti.
  • Part of Ecuador's population can speak Amerindian languages, in some cases as a second language.
  • The Jesuits translated collections of prayers into numerous Amerindian languages for the purpose of converting the Native Americans.
  • "' Barasana "'is an aboriginal Amerindian language spoken by a couple thousand people in Colombia.
  • Human settlement of the New World occurred in stages from the Amerindian language groups and ABO blood group system distributions.
  • Among other leading professors are Wim Blockmans, professor of Medieval History, and Willem Adelaar, professor of Amerindian Languages.
  • Many Amerindian languages are polysynthetic; indeed, most of the world's polysynthetic languages are native to North America.
  • He arrived in Canada ( New France ) in summer 1699 and learned amerindian language until the end of that year.
  • More Sentences:   1  2  3

amerindian language sentences in Hindi. What are the example sentences for amerindian language? amerindian language English meaning, translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by Hindlish.com.