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an acquired taste meaning in Hindi

an acquired taste sentence in Hindi
क्रमशः विकसित हुई पसन्द
an    एक
acquired    उपार्जित इच्छा
acquired taste    उपार्जित स्वाद
taste    स्वाद अभिरुचि
1.For most, fondness for the desert is an acquired taste.

2."It's to some degree an acquired taste.

3.Albert Brooks is an acquired taste, like Brie or squid.

4.Judged purely by appearances, the M3 is an acquired taste.

5.As for the rest, it's an acquired taste.

6.Like olives and anchovies, Campers are definitely an acquired taste.

7.Director Robert Altman has become an acquired taste over the years.

8.Deborah, on the other hand, was an acquired taste.

9.Japanese inns set beside hot springs _ are an acquired taste.

10.Coslet is brash, politically incorrect and definitely an acquired taste.

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How to say an acquired taste in Hindi and what is the meaning of an acquired taste in Hindi? an acquired taste Hindi meaning, translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by Hindlish.com.