area density sentence in Hindi
- Furthermore clicking on the article area density seems also inaccurately too specific.
- It is assumed that the scattered intensity is proportional to the local drop surface area density.
- At a thickness of 20 nm, lithium has an area density of 0.011 g / m 2.
- TMR has now replaced GMR in MRAMs and disk drives, in particular for high area densities and perpendicular recording.
- The extinction of light caused by the drops within a spray is also directly proportion to the surface area density.
- The two most widely used methods of measuring the surface area density are Laser Sheet Imaging and Statistical Extinction Tomography.
- The drop surface area density is the product of the spray drop surface area and the number of drops per unit volume.
- This improvement of protection is simply equivalent to the increase of area density and thus mass, and can offer no weight benefit.
- This template displays area density measurement units used within various : Category : Geobox templates, automatically converting between metric / imperial values.
- These bubbles were much smaller than the " domains " of normal media like tape, which suggested that very high area densities were possible.
- The surface area density is very important in evaporation and combustion applications since the local evaporation rate is highly correlated to the surface area density.
- The surface area density is very important in evaporation and combustion applications since the local evaporation rate is highly correlated to the surface area density.
- It quadrupled the processor area density of the SN-MIPS system, from 32 up to 128 processors per rack while moving to a " fat tree " interconnect topology.
- He created a tool that was designed to create a hotspot that contained a high area density of crime in a form of circle on a map ( Block, 1995 ).
- The laser extinction tomography system provides the local drop surface area density ( number of drops per unit volume at a specific location multiplied by the surface area of the drops ).
- As the expansion gives the rate of change of the logarithm of the area density, this means the event horizon area can never go down, at least classically, assuming the null energy condition.
- The protection of an area, instead of just a single point, is indicated by the average horizontal thickness, which is identical to the area density ( in this case relative to the horizontal ) : the relative armour mass used to protect that area.
- If the projectile travels very fast, and thus is in a state of hypervelocity, the strength of the armour material becomes negligible as by the impact both projectile and armour will melt and behave like fluids and only its area density is an important factor.
- Also relevant here are area density which is mass over a ( two-dimensional ) area, linear density-mass over a one-dimensional line, and relative density, which is a density divided by the density of a reference material, such as water.
- The area density page defines it in a way that contradicts the dictionary definition ( dicdef : of or relating to area ) since the area density article defines it as the reciprocal of area per unit mass, instead of X per unit area where X could also be " unit field lines " ( a term I made up to aid my notes, let a hollow vandegraff sphere of fixed amount of charge be imaginarily divided into N tiles ) which then readily lends to seeing more equations once a tile is defined to have 1 field line of magnitude 1 potential difference per meter.
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