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cannon ball sentence in Hindi

"cannon ball" meaning in Hindicannon ball in a sentence
  • The temple has two NagaLinga Flower Trees or Cannon Ball Flower Trees.
  • Suppose we have a 1kg cannon ball and a 100 kg cannon.
  • Cannon ball holes can be seen inside the house to this day.
  • The furnace produced cannons, cannon balls, shells, camp kettles, wagons and ships.
  • Cannon balls fired from the castle caused some damage to the church.
  • We are happy that cricket balls have taken the place of cannon balls,
  • During the battle more than 100 cannon balls were fired into the town.
  • I ducked when that cannon ball went rolling across the screen.
  • Visitors can almost feel the thud of cannon balls striking the iron sides.
  • The torteaux, simulating cannon balls, allude to the numerical designation of the unit.
  • The gunboat he commanded started firing cannon balls toward the shore.
  • In August 2016, protests were held near Cannon Ball, North Dakota.
  • The noise grew louder, like someone was firing cannon balls at the building.
  • Embarrassed about this, the roadmaster puts him against the fastest train, the Cannon Ball.
  • Cannon balls, musketry, fire, flame smoke and noise, something struck me on the side.
  • His search turned up bullets and pieces of cannon balls.
  • "He was a cannon ball that wasn't programmed right ."
  • A now-peaceful park near the palace is decorated with cannon and pyramids of cannon balls.
  • They may have been knocked down the same day, to be used as cannon balls.
  • Iron cannon balls will have a fairly predictable trajectory.
  • More Sentences:   1  2  3

cannon ball sentences in Hindi. What are the example sentences for cannon ball? cannon ball English meaning, translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by Hindlish.com.