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English-Hindi > come a cropper

come a cropper meaning in Hindi

come a cropper sentence in Hindi
बर्बाद होना
औंधे मुँह गिरना
come    आकर दिमाग में आना
a    एक कोई अ अंग्रेजी
cropper    असफलता कबूतर
1.One day ( the Internet boom ) is going to come a cropper,

2.There are signs that Robert Landers'living-a-dream lifestyle might come a cropper after this year.

3."No to a single currency _ it will come a cropper, " she said.

4.Prices probably tank, and the industry's investment comes a cropper.

5.Even Harris'prose comes a cropper as the overwrought plot progresses.

6.Yet the plan could easily come a cropper.

7.You can't be certain which of the recent crop of major takeovers will come a cropper.

8.Unless Odyssey comes a cropper, 2003 is expected to be a big year in Mars exploration.

9.India started off the league with a bang, drubbing Bangladesh and then coming a cropper against Pakistan.

10."Now he's in his defining moment, because all the irreconcilables will come a cropper in this budget,"

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How to say come a cropper in Hindi and what is the meaning of come a cropper in Hindi? come a cropper Hindi meaning, translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by Hindlish.com.