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commanding officer meaning in Hindi

commanding officer sentence in Hindi
कमान अदिकारी
कमान अफ़सर

कमान अधिकारी
कमान अफसर
कमान आफिसर
commanding    नियन्ता प्रधान
officer    अफसर ओहदेदार
1.Daniel R . Schatz, commanding officer of the Rampart Corruption Task Force.

2.He said he had reported the civilian deaths to his commanding officer.

3.Gen . Rich Natonski, commanding officer of the Marine Task Force Tawara.

4.Soto met Monday with his commanding officers to answer for his dissent.

5.But they figure their commanding officers would draw the line at that.

6.Commanding Officer Tony Cramp at Yeovilton said of the two flight staff.

7.The decision to begin an investigation is left to the commanding officer.

8.Forrest and Graham run downstairs for instructions from their commanding officers.

9.In October 1917 Draper became commanding officer of 8 Naval Squadron.

10.Its first commanding officer was Lieutenant Colonel Churchill C . Mann.

  More sentences:  1  2  3  4  5
an officer in command of a military unit
Synonyms: commandant, commander,

How to say commanding officer in Hindi and what is the meaning of commanding officer in Hindi? commanding officer Hindi meaning, translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by Hindlish.com.