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English-Hindi > daily allowance

daily allowance meaning in Hindi

daily allowance sentence in Hindi

दै निक भत्ता
दैनिक भत्ता
दैनिक भत्‍ता
daily    नौकरानी दैनिक
allowance    घटती छूट भत्ता
1.The provincial Sadrs were instructed by the chief Sadr to maintain lists of the recipients of rent-free lands and daily allowances .
मुख्य सद्र के अनुदेश पर स्थानीय सद्र मांफी की जमीन और दैनिक भत्ता पाने वालों की सूचियां तैयार करते थे .

How to say daily allowance in Hindi and what is the meaning of daily allowance in Hindi? daily allowance Hindi meaning, translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by Hindlish.com.