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English-Hindi > delbruck scattering

delbruck scattering meaning in Hindi

delbruck scattering sentence in Hindi

डेलब्रूक प्रकीर्णन
delbruck    डेलब्रुक
scattering    फैलाव बिखराव
1.Basically, two waves diffracting at two narrow slits will interfere in an alternating constructive and destructive way ( there are many diagrams of this in double slit experiment . ) Light interferes with itself as a wave, but there is also light-to-light scattering ( Delbruck scattering ) which occurs when a virtual particle is exchanged between photons, similar to how electrons scatter off each other by exchanging a virtual photon.

How to say delbruck scattering in Hindi and what is the meaning of delbruck scattering in Hindi? delbruck scattering Hindi meaning, translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by Hindlish.com.