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English-Hindi > do a disappearing act

do a disappearing act meaning in Hindi

do a disappearing act sentence in Hindi
ग़ायब होना
do    धोखा बड़ी पार्टी
a    एक कोई अ अंग्रेजी
disappearing    ओझल होता हुआ
act    प्रदर्शन अधिनियम
1."We don't want them to do a disappearing act on us again.

2.Japanese experience in soil hardening, European skill in building underground tunnels and walls, and a Swiss bridge engineer's solution to the messy Scheme Z bridge proposal over the Charles River all contributed to what will be the first urban interstate in the United States to do a disappearing act.

How to say do a disappearing act in Hindi and what is the meaning of do a disappearing act in Hindi? do a disappearing act Hindi meaning, translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by Hindlish.com.