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dust suppression meaning in Hindi

dust suppression sentence in Hindi

dust    गड़बड़ चूरा साफ़
suppression    छिपाव दबाव दमन
1.Irrigation systems are also used for dust suppression, disposal of sewage, and in mining.

2.In addition to irrigation, guns are used for industrial applications such as dust suppression and logging.

3.The coal company proposes to pump nearly two billion gallons of ground water out for dust suppression.

4.This company was hired to upgrade the dust suppression and collection system, and they just didn't do their job ."

5.In 2008, the Queensland Government announced A $ 20.9 million worth of funding for the port which included A $ 4.3 million for dust suppression measures.

6.Aqueous Lignosulfonate solutions are also widely used as a non-toxic dust suppression agent for unpaved road surfaces, where it is popularly, if erroneously, called " tree sap ".

7.Lauriski's proposal would allow for higher levels of coal dust when companies showed they could not bring the levels down through " feasible " means, like ventilation or dust suppression.

8.If you reside near an unpaved road, you may want to have the road treated for dust suppression by one of the contractors authorized to do road oiling by the County.

9.This type of system is known to most people as a " waterreel " traveling irrigation sprinkler and they are used extensively for dust suppression, irrigation, and land application of waste water.

10.Despite three years of improvements _ a new fire suppression system, the beginnings of a dust suppression system, better lighting and training _ small fires regularly broke out along the mill's five flock lines.

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How to say dust suppression in Hindi and what is the meaning of dust suppression in Hindi? dust suppression Hindi meaning, translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by Hindlish.com.