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face cutting meaning in Hindi

face cutting sentence in Hindi

पार्श्‍व कर्तन
face    फलक सीरा अग्रभाग
cutting    कतरन कलम संपादन
1.The lower mandible is shorter, with a sharp, upward-facing cutting edge, which moves against the flat portion of the upper mandible in an anvil-like fashion.

2.In July 1956 the OS state that the'Monk's Well'is a spring emerging through a stone pipe, situated in a stone-faced cutting in the hill slope.

3.In July 1956 the OS state that the'Monk's Well'is a spring emerging through a stone pipe, situated in a stone-faced cutting in the hill slope, the spring water running into the Annick Water.

How to say face cutting in Hindi and what is the meaning of face cutting in Hindi? face cutting Hindi meaning, translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by Hindlish.com.