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face lifting meaning in Hindi

face lifting sentence in Hindi
मुख उपचार
प्रसाधनिक शल्यचिकित्सा
face    फलक सीरा अग्रभाग
lifting    लिफ़्ट उत्तोलन
1.The face lifting was made with utmost respect for the historical character of the old structure.

2.There's the Surgeon General of Beverly Hills ( Bruce Campbell ), who's into some horrifically heavy face lifting.

3.The face lifting and reshaping of a municipality lies on the hands of people with the guidance of responsible leaders.

4.Grand Central Terminal, which has been undergoing major renovations, will be getting more big-name restaurants to add sparkle to its face lifting.

5.The $ 150 million face lifting has helped turn the island into the third-most-used national park, receiving about two million visitors a year.

6.The opposition dubbed the lifting of martial law as a mere " face lifting " as a precondition to the visit of Pope John Paul II.

7.The author of this " face lifting " was Luis Malausena, whose taste was in all to P�rez Jim�nez's sense of grandeur and went from the ultra-modern to a non-descript " neo-classicism ".

8.The MG 6 is widely perceived to be a marketing and sales failure, and after a desperate attempt to improve sales by face lifting the car, it was eventually discontinued from sale in the UK in 2016.

9.He's gotten a minibounce in the polls, and you're ready for some heavy face lifting and breast augmentation Friday, followed by some serious R & R in Santa Barbara to recuperate from all the parties and the surgery.

10.He's gotten a minibounce in the polls, and you're ready for some heavy face lifting and breast augmentation Friday, followed by some serious R & AMP; R in Santa Barbara to recuperate from all the parties and the surgery.

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a renovation that improves the outward appearance (as of a building) but usually does not involve major changes; "give your home a facelift"; "more than a facelift, the new model marks a fundamental change of direction"
Synonyms: face lift, facelift,

plastic surgery to remove wrinkles and other signs of aging from your face; an incision is made near the hair line and skin is pulled back and excess tissue is excised; "some actresses have more than one face lift"
Synonyms: face lift, facelift, lift, cosmetic surgery, rhytidectomy, rhytidoplasty, nip and tuck,

How to say face lifting in Hindi and what is the meaning of face lifting in Hindi? face lifting Hindi meaning, translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by Hindlish.com.