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furnace lining meaning in Hindi

furnace lining sentence in Hindi

भट्टी अस्तर
furnace    भट्ठी भाड़ा भट्टी
lining    अस्तर परत अस्तर
1.In the first tens of years the furnace lining was of refractory brick.

2.High-purity monolithics are often used as a continuous furnace lining instead of carbon-magnesite bricks.

3.A furnace lining brick, or an investment casting mold, can be easily fabricated using this method.

4.Coarse grained stone was used for furnace lining and from these were hewn the stone boxes used in the Cementation process of steelmaking.

5.In 2009, an extension was completed at the station, with the construction of an extra furnace line and a rail head.

6.The discovery of iron ore in the Eston Hills resulted in blast furnaces lining the River Tees from Stockton to the river's mouth.

7.Smelting, the flux, the charcoal ash and the furnace lining may also contribute to the chemical composition of slag, which could be useful to infer the yield of production.

8.Until 2009, the station had two operating furnace lines, which together were capable of burning a total of 250, 000 tonnes of waste per year, and generated 20 MW of electricity.

9.If the lance needs to be replaced at any time during operation, this is done by tilting the furnace forward until the lance is above the surface of the bath, where it can be removed and replaced without the contents of the furnace draining through the hole in the furnace lining.

lining consisting of material with a high melting point; used to line the inside walls of a furnace
Synonyms: refractory,

How to say furnace lining in Hindi and what is the meaning of furnace lining in Hindi? furnace lining Hindi meaning, translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by Hindlish.com.