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geological history meaning in Hindi

geological history sentence in Hindi

भूवैज्ञानिक इतिहास
geological    भूगर्भीय आश्चर्य
history    तवारीख पूर्ववृत्त
1.Another exhibit explains the remarkable geological history of the Connecticut Valley.

2.The mountains of Sawtooth National Forest have a varied geological history.

3.This process has happened repeatedly in the geological history of the Earth.

4.Much speculation about the geological history of Venus continues today.

5.The geological history might work better at the start of the article.

6.Earth formed geological history and orbit, have allowed life to persist.

7.The rich geological history of the area accounts for the variation in scenery.

8.Anderson also likes to point out and discuss geological history throughout the trip.

9.The Don Valley provides an appropriate location for studying the regional geological history.

10.The geological history of these formations dates back hundreds of millions of years.

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How to say geological history in Hindi and what is the meaning of geological history in Hindi? geological history Hindi meaning, translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by Hindlish.com.