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hazel tree meaning in Hindi

hazel tree sentence in Hindi
हेज़ेल वृक्ष
hazel    सुपारी का सा वृक्ष
tree    वनस्पति काठ पेड़
1.The community was named for the abundance of hazel trees near the original town site.

2.This particular stretch of " Warrior's Trail " had an abundance of hazel trees.

3.It is found on the forest floor in mixed woodland, especially at the base of hazel trees.

4.Cultivation involves the planting of, for example, hazel trees whose roots are inoculated with truffle mycelium.

5.Linderud g�rd had a large garden with a 70-meter-long canal and a 120 alley of hazel trees.

6.But gradually Arctic plants were joined by shrubs, then progressively birch, Scots pine, oak, alder and hazel trees colonised.

7.A junction with included bark that failed in storm conditions, growing on a hazel tree ( " Corylus avellana ")

8.The nuts were harvested in a single year and pollen analysis suggests that the hazel trees were all cut down at the same time.

9.The nuts were harvested in a single year, and pollen analysis suggests the hazel trees were all cut down at the same time.

10.They find a noble and beautiful woman named La Codre ( modern French " coudrier ", " hazel tree " ).

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How to say hazel tree in Hindi and what is the meaning of hazel tree in Hindi? hazel tree Hindi meaning, translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by Hindlish.com.