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keep a straight face meaning in Hindi

keep a straight face sentence in Hindi
अपने आप को हसने से रोकना
अपने आप को हसने से रोकना
keep    जीविका पहनते रहना
a    एक कोई अ अंग्रेजी
straight    सीधा भाग सीधी रेखा
face    फलक सीरा अग्रभाग
1.McDonough plays the impish provocateur, challenging Remy to keep a straight face.

2.Just to surrender and be passive and not keep a straight face.

3.Then when you pass the troops in parade keep a straight face.

4.It's hard to keep a straight face when talking about Marv Albert.

5."I like the idea, " he said, straining to keep a straight face.

6.Andy Richter has always been able to keep a straight face.

7.I can look at almost anything and keep a straight face.

8.Newman said Friday, managing somehow to keep a straight face while saying it.

9.So she's had to find ways to keep a straight face.

10."I don't think Clinton could even keep a straight face,"

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How to say keep a straight face in Hindi and what is the meaning of keep a straight face in Hindi? keep a straight face Hindi meaning, translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by Hindlish.com.