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licence fee meaning in Hindi

licence fee sentence in Hindi

लाइसेंस फीस
लाइसेन्स फीस
लाइसेन्स शुल्क
licence    अनुज्ञप्ति
fee    फीस मेहनताना वेतन
1.Both channels were operated by Sverige Radio and funded by licence fees.

2.Mosey proposed that the organisation should share the licence fee with others.

3.Approximately 73 % of RTV Slovenija's funding comes from television licence fees.

4.A television licence fee of ? per year was introduced in August.

5.An annual licence fee is payable but many receivers are not licensed.

6.It is also financed from the state budget and licence fees.

7.The revenues they generate supplement the licence fee in financing the UK services.

8.The brokers and dealers were only required to pay an annual licence fee.

9.All stations contribute to the cost via their broadcasting licence fees.

10.Though it is privately owned, it receives public subsidies from television licence fees.

  More sentences:  1  2  3  4  5

How to say licence fee in Hindi and what is the meaning of licence fee in Hindi? licence fee Hindi meaning, translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by Hindlish.com.