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macaronic verse sentence in Hindi

"macaronic verse" meaning in Hindimacaronic verse in a sentence
  • Macaronic verse, in which two or more languages are interwoven, one of which is traditionally Latin, is one of the most exotic kinds of wordplay.
  • Macaronic verse was also common in medieval India, where the influence of the Muslim rulers led to poems being written in alternating indigenous Hindi and the Persian language.
  • "The Boke of Phyllyp Sparowe, " the lament of Jane Scroop, a schoolgirl in the Benedictine convent of French and Low Latin macaronic verse.
  • An example of modern humorous macaronic verse is the anonymous English / Latin poem " Carmen Possum " ( " " The Opossum's Song " " ), which is sometimes used as a teaching and motivational aid in elementary Latin language classes.
  • :Its very name, " Macaronesia ", is redolent of the artificial assemblages of islands with various geological origins and disparate current political affiliations : cf . the artificially assembled Macaronic verse .-- Wetman 12 : 23, 5 November 2007 ( UTC)

macaronic verse sentences in Hindi. What are the example sentences for macaronic verse? macaronic verse English meaning, translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by Hindlish.com.