Macaronic verse, in which two or more languages are interwoven, one of which is traditionally Latin, is one of the most exotic kinds of wordplay.
Macaronic verse was also common in medieval India, where the influence of the Muslim rulers led to poems being written in alternating indigenous Hindi and the Persian language.
"The Boke of Phyllyp Sparowe, " the lament of Jane Scroop, a schoolgirl in the Benedictine convent of French and Low Latin macaronic verse.
An example of modern humorous macaronic verse is the anonymous English / Latin poem " Carmen Possum " ( " " The Opossum's Song " " ), which is sometimes used as a teaching and motivational aid in elementary Latin language classes.
:Its very name, " Macaronesia ", is redolent of the artificial assemblages of islands with various geological origins and disparate current political affiliations : cf . the artificially assembled Macaronic verse .-- Wetman 12 : 23, 5 November 2007 ( UTC)
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