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market centre meaning in Hindi

market centre sentence in Hindi

बाजार केंद्र
बाजार केन्द्र
market    आपण तिजारत बाज़ार
centre    मध्य में लगाना
1.The community administration s seat is the market centre of Mengerskirchen.

2.The Market Centre is the largest shopping centre in Crewe.

3.Chikjajur later on emerged as the market centre for surrounding regions there.

4.Mascara is an administrative, commercial and a market centre.

5.Up to 1962, Ulsan operated as a fishing port and market centre.

6.This historic market centre is one of the fastest growing towns in Oxfordshire.

7.It is a garrison town and local market centre.

8.The market centre in the town is very colourful.

9.The city is also an important market centre.

10.Nevertheless, it remains an important market centre serving south-eastern Morang district.

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How to say market centre in Hindi and what is the meaning of market centre in Hindi? market centre Hindi meaning, translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by Hindlish.com.