1. Ray transfer matrix analysis is one method that uses the approximation. 2. It is often combined with the paraxial approximation in techniques such as ray transfer matrix analysis . 3. The Schur complement is a key tool in the fields of numerical analysis, statistics and matrix analysis . 4. On Matrix Analysis , NAL, Bangalore, Sep 25 Oct 03, 1969, 113-123. 5. Brenner, with George Pieczenik, created the first computer matrix analysis of nucleic acids using TRAC, which Brenner continues to use. 6. Cracovians adopted a column-row convention for designating individual elements as opposed to the standard row-column convention of matrix analysis . 7. In addition, he has authored another textbook, " Linear Algebra and Matrix Analysis for Statistics ", with Anindya Roy. 8. The Chinese Institute of Engineers ( CIE ) awarded Li the CIE annual award in 1963 for his work on the Unified Energy-Matrix Analysis . 9. The books " Matrix Analysis " and " Topics in Matrix Analysis ", co-written by him with Roger Horn, are standard texts in advanced linear algebra. 10. The books " Matrix Analysis " and " Topics in Matrix Analysis ", co-written by him with Roger Horn, are standard texts in advanced linear algebra.