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matrix analysis meaning in Hindi

matrix analysis sentence in Hindi

आधात्री विश्‍लेषण
matrix    कोख गर्भाशय
analysis    विश्लेषण
1.Ray transfer matrix analysis is one method that uses the approximation.

2.It is often combined with the paraxial approximation in techniques such as ray transfer matrix analysis.

3.The Schur complement is a key tool in the fields of numerical analysis, statistics and matrix analysis.

4.On Matrix Analysis, NAL, Bangalore, Sep 25  Oct 03, 1969, 113-123.

5.Brenner, with George Pieczenik, created the first computer matrix analysis of nucleic acids using TRAC, which Brenner continues to use.

6.Cracovians adopted a column-row convention for designating individual elements as opposed to the standard row-column convention of matrix analysis.

7.In addition, he has authored another textbook, " Linear Algebra and Matrix Analysis for Statistics ", with Anindya Roy.

8.The Chinese Institute of Engineers ( CIE ) awarded Li the CIE annual award in 1963 for his work on the Unified Energy-Matrix Analysis.

9.The books " Matrix Analysis " and " Topics in Matrix Analysis ", co-written by him with Roger Horn, are standard texts in advanced linear algebra.

10.The books " Matrix Analysis " and " Topics in Matrix Analysis ", co-written by him with Roger Horn, are standard texts in advanced linear algebra.

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How to say matrix analysis in Hindi and what is the meaning of matrix analysis in Hindi? matrix analysis Hindi meaning, translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by Hindlish.com.