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matrix sentence sentence in Hindi

"matrix sentence" meaning in Hindimatrix sentence in a sentence
  • In one case you are WH-inverting the matrix sentence, which is a normal operation in English.
  • For the sentence in 16a, in order to indicate the anaphoric relation between the subject of the matrix sentence ( the antecedent of the logophor ) and the logophoric pronoun, we would need to specify that x = v 2.
  • A free pronoun coreferent with the head noun frequently marks the end of a relative clause and the resumption of the matrix sentence, as in " Kic monda-o ware-wec e ?ira mi fo-wec " ( man Monday-on come-3sgFPst 3sg here not sleep-3sgFPst )'the man who came on Monday did not stay here'. ( Schneuker 1962 : 31-32)

matrix sentence sentences in Hindi. What are the example sentences for matrix sentence? matrix sentence English meaning, translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by Hindlish.com.