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ocular dominance meaning in Hindi

ocular dominance sentence in Hindi

ocular    अक्षि चाक्षुष
dominance    प्रधानता प्रभाव
1.Ocular dominance and dominant hand should be ideally the same.

2.Ocular dominance columns are also found in the striate cortex.

3.It is believed that ocular dominance columns must be important in binocular vision.

4.That is, the neuronal responses can discriminate small changes in visual ocular dominance and orientation.

5.These axons that terminate in layer IV of the striate cortex result in ocular dominance columns.

6.Hubel and Wiesel's experiments showed that the ocular dominance develops irreversibly early in childhood development.

7.Image A represents normal ocular dominance columns; Image B represents ocular dominance columns after monocular deprivation ).

8.Image A represents normal ocular dominance columns; Image B represents ocular dominance columns after monocular deprivation ).

9.Hubel and Wiesel were awarded the Nobel Prize in 1981 for their work on ocular dominance columns in the 1960s and 1970s.

10.In any case, it has been shown that disrupting the retinal waves at least alters the pattern of ocular dominance columns.

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How to say ocular dominance in Hindi and what is the meaning of ocular dominance in Hindi? ocular dominance Hindi meaning, translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by Hindlish.com.