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organic structure sentence in Hindi

"organic structure" meaning in Hindiorganic structure in a sentence
  • He also examined organic structures, such as leaves and animal skeletons, for inspiration.
  • Although named as a dicyanamide, the major organic structure is a 2-cyanoguanidino group.
  • MOST of the " organic structures " I am curating likely have one CSA number
  • If constructing organic structures is one challenge facing today's composers, finding a distinctive musical voice is another.
  • His work generally focuses on natural geometry and organic structure, and all types of psychedelic & transcendental art.
  • From 1964 on he mostly painted on glass or plexiglass, his creations sometimes resembling chemical or micro-organic structures.
  • For many years Bosse has based his work on the computational study of organic structures and resulting spatial conceptions.
  • As far as he was concerned, any immanent, organic structure would be an artificial overlay; any sense of resolution, artificial.
  • The typical result of this process are visual representations of the Internet that are elaborate and visually striking, resembling organic structures.
  • "Phane nomenclature is a new method for building names for organic structures by assembling names that describe component parts of a complex structure.
  • In early organic-chemistry publications, where use of graphics was strongly limited, a typographic system arose to describe organic structures in a line of text.
  • The Royal Decree 1041 / 2009 of 29 June lays out the basic organic structure of the Spanish Ministry of Health and Social Policy.
  • From what the player can see, it is quite evident that these organic structures form a village for most, if not all, the Argilans.
  • Her work introduced rigorous thinking about abstraction to the Pacific Northwest incorporating the rhythms of dance, music, and mathematics, emphasizing the organization of organic structure.
  • It is used extensively as a counterion of organic and inorganic salts, and also as a reactant for the synthesis of various covalent organic structures.
  • :: Difficult to see how any DNA could be found in dinosaur fossils, since fossils are mineralised-the original organic structures have been completely replaced by minerals.
  • It has its own staff, including a Functional Organic Structure and it takes part in the budget of the Ministry of Health as an independent program.
  • One of the people says that it is Simmons'wife, Kathy, and they realize that the creature can assimilate memories and change its organic structure at will.
  • Originally, the Prophets were built in a more unified way, with the gravity thrones they used for flotation and movement fused with the Prophet's organic structures.
  • In fact, he maintained, since it had no organic structure of its own that could generate constructions consistently, it all too often just borrowed them from French.
  • More Sentences:   1  2  3

organic structure sentences in Hindi. What are the example sentences for organic structure? organic structure English meaning, translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by Hindlish.com.