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paper clip meaning in Hindi

paper clip sentence in Hindi
पेपर क्लिप
कागज़ का क्लिप
कागज का क्लिप
paper    कागद अख़बार
clip    अक्षर छोड़ देना
1.The superstore concept has worked well for pet food and paper clips.

2.The envelope exploded after Nojara pulled a paper clip inside, she said.

3.This isn't about stealing paper clips or sloppy penmanship on the timecard.

4.Now a candidate can spend $ 15, 000 total, including paper clips.

5.Especially at night, when candlelight hits the spoons, earrings and paper clips.

6.Lott also noted that paper clips help contribute to a growing economy.

7.Todd said paper clips can be braided into a spear, for example.

8.It was about the size and weight of a large paper clip.

9.And the area is not much bigger than a fat paper clip.

10.A millimeter is roughly equal to the thickness of a paper clip.

  More sentences:  1  2  3  4  5
a wire or plastic clip for holding sheets of paper together; "the paper clip was invented in 1900"
Synonyms: paperclip, gem clip,

How to say paper clip in Hindi and what is the meaning of paper clip in Hindi? paper clip Hindi meaning, translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by Hindlish.com.