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paperback book sentence in Hindi

"paperback book" meaning in Hindipaperback book in a sentence
  • _40 percent of paperback books purchased in the United States are romances
  • During this period he created freelance cover illustrations for paperback book covers.
  • It is available both as a paperback book and in electronic format.
  • She prices paperback books at 10 or 15 cents apiece, for example.
  • They carefully chose 500 paperback books to bring along on the trip.
  • Purchased this paperback book at an American supermarket sometime in the 90's.
  • Paperback books have cheaper, flexible covers which tend to be less durable.
  • They did not feature the flexible covers usually associated with paperback books.
  • (Eds : This file is the full best-seller list for paperback books.
  • Gumperz ran Malik Verlag, an early publisher of paperback books in Europe.
  • In early 1968, Perfect Film purchased Popular Library, a paperback book company.
  • It has a one-room library with paperback books in about 20 languages.
  • A small but thick paperback book may be better with wider inside margins.
  • Eventually, Sonny got out of furniture and cut way back on paperback books.
  • That third man happened to be an editor of paperback books.
  • Two years later, the Quality Paperback Book Club reissued three of her novels.
  • Stacks of shoes were piled in one, paperback books arranged neatly in another.
  • Six paperback books from Longstreet Press have sold more than 2 million copies.
  • And the player is tiny _ smaller than a paperback book.
  • Morris said of the thick paperback book with its distinctive green camouflage cover.
  • More Sentences:   1  2  3

paperback book sentences in Hindi. What are the example sentences for paperback book? paperback book English meaning, translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by Hindlish.com.