When an electric current passes through, the bridge is heated to incandescence and ignites the priming composition.
This bridge is surrounded by a priming composition of guncotton dust and mealed powder and the remainder of the tube is filled with powder.
The most common of such derivatives is tetrazene explosive ( commonly known simply as tetrazene ), which is used for sensitization of priming compositions.
"' Tetrazene "'( 1-( 5-tetrazolyl )-3-guanyl tetrazene hydrate ) is an explosive material used for sensitization of the priming compositions.
First used as a priming composition in small copper caps beginning in the 1820s, mercury fulminate quickly replaced flints as a means to ignite black powder charges in mercury for manufacture, supplies of which can be unreliable in wartime.
How to say priming composition in Hindi and what is the meaning of priming composition in Hindi? priming composition Hindi meaning, translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by Hindlish.com.