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river adige meaning in Hindi

river adige sentence in Hindi
आडिजे नदी
river    दरिया नदी
adige    आडिजे
1.After crossing the Po the division crossed the river Adige on 28 April and was ordered to halt.

2.A thumb of real estate that the Romans colonized, it is wrapped around by the swiftly flowing, soothingly rippling river Adige.

3.River Adige is one of the three primary south-flowing Alpine rivers; its broadly curving course alongside Trento was straightened in 1850.

4.Until distracted by Byzantine politics in 726, Liutprand's chief warmaking energies were concentrated on taking Bavarian castles on the River Adige.

5.Verona was naturally strong as it sat in a loop of the River Adige, also its fortifications formed a formidable barrier to attack.

6.The Venetian Prealps are drained by the rivers Adige, Piave and other minor rivers and streams, all of them tributaries of the Adriatic sea.

7.Another theory is that it is connected to the river . " Vera " was a name of the river Adige before the adoption of the current name.

8.It is situated at " Piazzale XXV Aprile " ( " 25 April " ) and south of the city centre and River Adige ( Etsch ).

9.It consists of a thin strip of sand dunes between the mouth of the river Adige and the Po di Levante, containing indigenous vegetation of loose sand, salt marsh, and pine and elm forests.

10."' Chievo "'( 4, 500 inhabitants ) is a frazione of Verona located to the west of the city, around from the historic city centre, on the shores of the river Adige.

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How to say river adige in Hindi and what is the meaning of river adige in Hindi? river adige Hindi meaning, translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by Hindlish.com.