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English-Hindi > rolling in the aisles

rolling in the aisles meaning in Hindi

rolling in the aisles sentence in Hindi
हँसते-हँसते लोट-पोट
rolling    रोलर हिलाव पहियों
in    अंदर का सत्तारूढ़
in the    के दौरान सेवा के
the    वही यह वह वही वह
aisles    पथ पार्श्ववीथी
1.NEW SCIENTIST : Did it have them rolling in the aisles?

2.No doubt they're rolling in the aisles at the Safeway.

3.That had some New Yorkers rolling in the aisles.

4.He must have had them rolling in the aisles.

5.At first everyone was stunned but then they were rolling in the aisles.

6.He could have his buddies rolling in the aisles as he relives great moments in stonewalling.

7.But we're the suckers, apparently, because everyone else is rolling in the aisles.

8.Rolling in the aisles is no substitute for peace and prosperity, but it is better than nothing.

9.Well, shoot, this has them rolling in the aisles at USC, Minnesota and too many other universities.

10.It was the night's mistress of ceremonies, Carrie Fisher, who had the room rolling in the aisles.

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How to say rolling in the aisles in Hindi and what is the meaning of rolling in the aisles in Hindi? rolling in the aisles Hindi meaning, translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by Hindlish.com.