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round wood meaning in Hindi

round wood sentence in Hindi

गोल काष्‍ठ
गोलाकार काष्‍ठ
round    गाय के जाँघ का एक
wood    काष्ठ सुषिर काष्ट
1.The round wood-and-stone museum stands on a level plain fronting the foothills.

2.Instead, he entertained the gallery with a round Woods might want to forget.

3.It was the kind of round Woods might have liked to save for a Sunday.

4.Three yurts _ 12-foot round wood structures covered with canvas _ are heated by wood-burning stoves.

5.A side porch is located on the south elevation, with two round wood columns with Doric capitals.

6.The 63rd Brigade formed a defensive flank, until touch was gained with the 34th Division at Round Wood.

7.The 63rd Brigade formed a defensive flank until touch was gained with the 34th Division at Round Wood.

8.The right flank was to advance to Fricourt Farm and the left to Round Wood, south of Scots Redoubt.

9.After the strange round Woods had, to toss a stroke away at the 18th on a overcooked 2-iron seemed wasteful.

10.A replacement company failed to reach the area but took cover in Round Wood, where it repulsed the first 64th Brigade attack.

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How to say round wood in Hindi and what is the meaning of round wood in Hindi? round wood Hindi meaning, translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by Hindlish.com.