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routine maintenance sentence in Hindi

"routine maintenance" meaning in Hindiroutine maintenance in a sentence
  • We would then reapply it as part of that routine maintenance program.
  • People lose jobs because of random checks, routine maintenance and co-worker complaints.
  • The plant's second reactor was shut down on Tuesday for routine maintenance.
  • In early 2011, Units 2 and 3 were suspended for routine maintenance.
  • In all, the plane needed about 50 changes, plus extensive routine maintenance.
  • Cars need less routine maintenance such as battery checks and oil changes.
  • Sailors said they were cleaning the masks as part of routine maintenance.
  • It was unclear whether the latest closure was forced by routine maintenance.
  • Up until the 1980s they underwent routine maintenance and sounded at noon.
  • The utilities contend that the improvements entailed only " routine maintenance ."
  • Routine maintenance usually involves replacing blown bulbs, debugging networking, configuring wiring etc.
  • Wednesday's AOL shutdown stemmed from attempts to install new software during routine maintenance.
  • The British radars were not operating, they were shut down for routine maintenance.
  • This arrangement allows routine maintenance while the locomotive is in service.
  • Carrying out a standing RfC result is a routine maintenance task.
  • You can also repeat some of the routine maintenance checks your technician performs.
  • Inspections could be performed during routine maintenance and would not disrupt airline schedules.
  • "The discovery was made during routine maintenance, " said Coble said.
  • The problem first came to light during routine maintenance last October, Spitaliere said.
  • A cartridge holds the oil during routine maintenance to prevent drips.
  • More Sentences:   1  2  3

routine maintenance sentences in Hindi. What are the example sentences for routine maintenance? routine maintenance English meaning, translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by Hindlish.com.