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sampling inspection meaning in Hindi

sampling inspection sentence in Hindi

प्रतिदर्शी निरीक्षण
sampling    प्रतिदर्शन नमूना
inspection    जांच देखभाल
1.American Airlines is doing sample inspections of its remaining 34 Airbus A300s to ensure there are no problems with other tail assemblies.

2.About 97 % of wool is sold without sample inspection; however, as of December 2009, 59 % of wool listed had been passed in from auction.

3.It said a recent sample inspection by the ministry found that more than one-fifth of all imported cosmetics on the market were unlicensed _ many of them fakes.

4.The term ISIR ( initial sample inspection report ) is being used by German companies like VW and BMW . ISIR form is standardized by Verband der Automobilindustrie e.

5.The airline is doing sample inspections of its remaining 34 Airbus A300s to ensure there are no problems with other tail assemblies, National Transportation Safety Board chairwoman Marion Blakey said.

How to say sampling inspection in Hindi and what is the meaning of sampling inspection in Hindi? sampling inspection Hindi meaning, translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by Hindlish.com.