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English-Hindi > aggressive war" sentence in Hindi

aggressive war in a sentence

41.In March 2013 he wrote that " a huge right-wing conspiracy was mounted 10 years ago to manufacture a case to wage aggressive war " against Iraq.

42.But increasingly aggressive war games by the Chinese and growing vituperation from Beijing's leaders and uncertainty over Taiwan's first presidential election have stirred anxieties over the future.

43.Essex and Manchester remained sympathetic to the peace party, while Cromwell had emerged as the leading voice in the campaign to fight a more aggressive war against Charles.

44.According to Juan Cole, Iran has never launched an " aggressive war " in modern history, and its leadership adheres to a doctrine of " no first strike ".

45.Iran " is not a regime that engages in aggressive war against any of its neighbors, " said Jeffrey Laurenti, an analyst with the UNUSA think-tank in New York.

46.The Mafia leader who scatters corpses all over the island in order to achieve his goal is considered as inept as the statesman who has to wage aggressive wars.

47.He advocates " progressive " or " limited " warfare, waging aggressive war against terrorist armies and their sponsors in a way that does the least harm to noncombatants.

48.The very name " Home Guard " is taken as a symbol of a true Croatian soldier not being involved in any aggressive war or attacking someone else's country.

49.Iran " is not a regime that engages in aggressive war against any of its neighbors, " said analyst Jeffrey Laurenti of the UNUSA think tank in New York.

50.The U . S . defense chief and other American officials " are intensifying their hostile statements that express their aggressive war intentions against Iraq, " the editorial added.

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How to say aggressive war in Hindi and what is the meaning of aggressive war in Hindi? aggressive war Hindi meaning, translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by Hindlish.com.