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English-Hindi > analysand" sentence in Hindi

analysand in a sentence

21.She also warned against the danger of interpretations being experienced as invasive by an analysand, ( particularly when their own omnipotence has been projected onto the analyst ).

22.The position of the agent  the analyst  is occupied by " objet a " : the analyst becomes the cause of the analysand's desire.

23.The detailed inquiry involves noting where the analysand is leaving out important elements of an account and noting when the story is obfuscated, and asking careful questions to open up the dialogue.

24.This discourse points toward knowledge . " The cure involves the structural introduction of the discourse of the hysteric by way of artificial conditions " : the analyst hystericizes the analysand's discourse.

25.The pass was essentially a procedure whereby ananalysand could give an account of his or her inward transformation before three " passeurs ", who would then validate the transformation from analysand to analyst.

26.And Daniel Menaker, beloved from his years as fiction editor of The New Yorker, wrote an uproarious portrait of a Freudian shrink and his mostly helpless analysand in " The Treatment ."

27.Eric Berne considered that the preconscious covered a much wider area of the mind than was generally recognised, a'cult'of the unconscious leading to its over-estimation by both analyst and analysand.

28.In 1936 she moved to England, where she worked the rest of her life as a psychotherapist and supervising analyst; her analysands include Benjamin B . Rubinstein, Nina Coltart and Maria W . Piers.

29.They will include a reproduction of Freud's analysand couch and a painting by Freud's most famous patient, the Wolf Man, depicting his dream of wolves sitting in a tree outside his window.

30.For transference to take place, the analyst must incorporate the " a " for the analysand :'analysts who are such only insofar as they are object-the object of the analysand '.

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How to say analysand in Hindi and what is the meaning of analysand in Hindi? analysand Hindi meaning, translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by Hindlish.com.