41. More recently, building differential analysers with Meccano parts has become a popular project among serious Meccano hobbyists. 42. These analysers must undergo daily controls to guarantee a result just possible, one speaks about quality control. 43. Such pressure reducing or similar valves may be used to control the flow rate to the online analyser . 44. The Doctor uses equipment in the theatre to create a matter analyser while Martha helps to console Tallulah. 45. Some of the features available in setting include Setup Analyser , which detects any inconsistencies in the printer settings. 46. Reticulocyte counts can now be performed by many analysers , giving an alternative to time-consuming manual counts. 47. Aida started in 1995 with the freeware ASMDEMO, a 16 bits DOS hardware analyser software with basic capabilities. 48. Gennai later contacts the children after Izzy escapes, and provides him with a Digimon analyser for his computer. 49. The analyser range expanded from the evidence, to include the evidence evolution, evidence investigator and evidence multistat. 50. The analyser , she added can be used by oil refineries, petrochemical industries as well as gas producing companies.