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English-Hindi > associative learning" sentence in Hindi

associative learning in a sentence

21.But, it is the metabotropic glutamate receptor 1 ( mGlu1 ) that has been discovered to be required for activity-dependent synaptic plasticity in associative learning.

22.Furthermore, infected bees show impairment in an associative learning paradigm during acquisition and in the test for memory retention 2h and 24 hours after the training.

23.Elemental theories of associative learning argue that concurrent stimuli tend to be perceived as separate units rather than'holistically'( i . e . as a single unit)

24.In particular, associative learning, which is another type of episodic memory, is vulnerable to the effects of aging, and this has been demonstrated across various study paradigms.

25.A second, more parsimonious, hypothesis proposes that these skills depend on more simple learning processes such as associative learning; or in other words, they are simply behaviour-reading.

26.Recently, Cecilia Heyes ( Professor of Experimental Psychology, Oxford ) has advanced the theory that mirror neurons are the byproduct of associative learning as opposed to evolutionary adaptation.

27.It was not a result of associative learning that they actually chose the utensil instead of the food reward since the scientists ran another experiment to account for that.

28.If you associated food with a bell, a voice with a face, a face with a name, these are all associative learning, the major forms of learning in humans,

29.Non-associative learning is a change in a response to a stimulus that does not involve associating the presented stimulus with another stimulus or event such as reward or punishment.

30.This slug has been treated as a model organism and used in studies into classical conditioning, memory consolidation and associative learning, the structure of neural circuits and neural physiology.

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How to say associative learning in Hindi and what is the meaning of associative learning in Hindi? associative learning Hindi meaning, translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by Hindlish.com.