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English-Hindi > associative learning" sentence in Hindi

associative learning in a sentence

31.Despite its seemingly simple nervous system, however, " Aplysia californica " is capable of a variety of non-associative and associative learning tasks, including sensitization, habituation, and gill and siphon withdrawal reflex.

32.He also contended that while associative learning, or memorizing ability, is equally distributed among the races, conceptual learning, or synthesizing ability, occurs with significantly greater frequency in whites than in non-whites.

33.Individuals trained to associate a light-stimulus with the imminent arrival of food exhibit this associative learning by approaching the surface where the food is normally dropped immediately the light-stimulus is presented.

34.However, researchers over the years have found an even more effective way to control not only the frequency of exposure but also the content of the speech extracts, the associative learning paradigm.

35.A person who believes that a pounding heart is a sign of impending cardiac trouble, for example, might show a fear of fear rooted in cognitive beliefs rather than in associative learning.

36.The telencephalic ventral medial pallium (  primordium hippocampi " ), however, is involved in loops that either modify prey-selection due to associative learning or specify prey-selection due to non-associative learning, respectively.

37.The telencephalic ventral medial pallium (  primordium hippocampi " ), however, is involved in loops that either modify prey-selection due to associative learning or specify prey-selection due to non-associative learning, respectively.

38.The amygdala plays an important role in SSDR, such as the ventral amygdalofugal, which is essential for associative learning, and SSDRs are learned through interaction with the environment and others of the same species.

39."' Weighted class learning "'is another form of associative learning in which weight may be assigned to classes to give focus to a particular issue of concern for the consumer of the data mining results.

40.Habituation as a form of non-associative learning can be distinguished from other behavioral changes ( e . g ., sensory adaption, fatigue ) by considering the characteristics of habituation that have been identified over several decades of research.

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How to say associative learning in Hindi and what is the meaning of associative learning in Hindi? associative learning Hindi meaning, translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by Hindlish.com.