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English-Hindi > biddy" sentence in Hindi

biddy in a sentence

11.Biddy, who is white, could not be reached for comment.

12.Biddy used obscenities and racial slurs, the suit alleges.

13.Biddy enjoys summer when the doors to the screened porches are open.

14.Biddy's grab for power was not premeditated _ just timely.

15.You're probably wondering where Biddy comes by all this information.

16.Biddy was my son, Kristofor's, idea.

17.Biddy and the couple came with the couple's baby boy.

18.They formed the Itty Biddies and began performing shortly thereafter.

19.Biddy becomes interested in one of the blow-ins.

20.After emancipation, she chose to be known as Bridget Biddy Mason.

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How to say biddy in Hindi and what is the meaning of biddy in Hindi? biddy Hindi meaning, translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by Hindlish.com.