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English-Hindi > bromine" sentence in Hindi

bromine in a sentence

11.Platinum tetrafluoride can form adducts with selenium tetrafluoride and bromine trifluoride.

12.The concentration of bromine was, while the iodine concentration was.

13.With the elimination of leaded gasoline bromine lost its largest market.

14.All the world's bromine production is derived from brine.

15.Gainers included Dead Sea Bromine Ltd . and Electra Consumer Products Ltd.

16.The seaweed was used to produce iodine, but also contained bromine.

17.The main sources of bromine are in the United States and Israel.

18.In some cases the bromine containing compound may be added after polymerisation.

19.Balard discovered bromine by passing chlorine gas through a sample of brine.

20.Approximately 450, 000 metric tons of bromine are produced each year.

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How to say bromine in Hindi and what is the meaning of bromine in Hindi? bromine Hindi meaning, translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by Hindlish.com.