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English-Hindi > bush" sentence in Hindi

bush in a sentence

41.George W. Bush honored the boxer, Muhammad Ali, and 13 others with the Presidential Medal of Freedom , called “the nation's highest civilian award,” on November 9 at the White House. The president praised Ali for his sports accomplishments and called him “The Greatest of All Time.”
मोहम्मद अली बनाम जार्ज डब्ल्यू बुश

42.In private conversations with Bush administration officials this past week, I was favorably impressed by their realism about the U.S.-sponsored “road map” plan to stop Palestinian-Israeli violence. But I worry nonetheless that things could go awry.
शान्ति की अपेक्षा - क्या अमेरिका रोडमैप लागू करवा पायेगा

43.Pollution is like a tiger lurking in the bush , ready to pounce upon us at any time , leading to total destruction .
प्रदूषण उस बाघ के समान है जो घात लगाए झाड़ी में छिपा बैठा है और कभी भी हम पर हमला करके सब कुछ तहस-नहस कर सकता है .

44.For one , the company was one of the biggest contributors to George Bush 's presidential campaign and has enormous influence on the White House .
इस कंपनी ने जॉर्ज बुश के चुनाव प्रचार में सबसे अधिक योगदान किया है और व्हौऐट हाउस में खासी पै रखती है .

45.59. 45 km from sandy town of Jaisalmer, Desert National Park is famous for its sand dunes and bush clad hills.
59. जैसलमेर के रेतीले शहर से 45 किमी दूर डेजर्ट नेशनल पार्क रेतीले टीलों और झाड़ियों से ढकी पहाड़ियों के लिए जाना जाता है।

46.In the months since President Bush nominated me to the board of the United States Institute of Peace, confirmation etiquette has obliged me not to talk about my nomination. I thus found myself having to remain mute as opponents said what they would about me.
प्रश्नचिन्हित होने पर शत्रुओं ने मेरे रिकार्ड को कैसे तोड़ा मरोड़ा

47.The Bush administration sees the United States at war with Islamic radicalism ; has not the time come for it to see other theaters of this same war - Russia's with the Chechen rebels, India's with the Kashmiri insurgents, Israel's with Hamas - as we see our own, and work for the defeat of the Islamists?
“ विचार गोष्ठी संकरे रास्ते पर: गाजा से कहाँ जायें ”

48.What was our sin that unleashed this assault? Our comments appeared in our respective universities' student newspapers opposing the Bush administration's assertion of the right to launch a preemptive war against Iraq.
देश को ऐसे विश्वविद्यालयों की आवश्यकता है जो अधिक परिपक्व, दायित्वपूर्ण और देशभक्त हों।

49.A straight shaft is driven through the mud to about ten Plate I . A . Two common stick-insects , resting motionless among dry sticks in a bush .
पंक से लगभग दस सेंटीमीटर तक एक सीधा खोखला स्तंभ बनाया जाता है और तब बगल में कुछ दूरी के लिए अचानक एक मोड़ दे दिया जाता है .

50.Senior Indian policymakers flew into Washington DC during election week to touch base mainly with Bush 's Republican team on a range of issues .
चुनावी सप्ताह के दौरान भारत के वरिष् नीति-नियंता बुश की रिपैलकन टीम से कई मुद्दों पर बातचीत करने के लिए वाशिंगटन ड़ीसी फंचे .

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